Hallowe'en 2001
The carving

Evil eye?


Deep in thought :)

Hard at work
The finished products

Both pumpkins

VampireKat's bats :)

VampireKat's signature

The wrap-around design--no PhotoShop here! *cough* :)

Casting shadows on the wall..

Wrap-around in the light.. what PhotoShop? ;)

Scott with his pumpkin :)

Katia hiding behind hers :)
That's all for this year, folks..
(Last year's can be found here.)
1. This was Katia's first time carving a pumpkin.
2. The bats, fangs, and text were her personal additions to a PumpkinMasters design.
3. My design was all me :)
4. Fitting together two or three views of a round object into a rectangular wrap panoramic in PhotoShop is an.. interesting exercise. :)
Celtic Knotwork
Last update 4/18/03 SK