TJ '97 5.5-year reunion
12/22/02 - Garrett's, Georgetown, NW DC
(If you happen to know the names of any ?'s or entered incorrectly, let me know :)

01. Foreground: Steve Shepard, Moira Lee, "Moira's Boytoy", Arjuna Rice, Kate McConnell
Background: James Tsai, Jay Manalo, Nathan Clark

02. Same as 01, plus Tony Arancibia '95

03. Fore: Emily Woolsey, Ashley Garrett, Eliza Cole
Back: Matt Jones, Matt Altman, Kevin Riordan

04. Jay Manalo, Scott Kreidler, S.B.
Excited, stoned, and staring

05. Julie Kennedy, Patti Carcamo, Matt Kim, Brendan ?, J.K. Robinson
Mostly, this is for Matt Kim in the distance

06. Johann Schleier-Smith, Bryan Hassin

07. James Tsai, Jay Manalo, ?1

08. Kevin Riordan, Molly Voss, Bryan Hassin, Becky Neuschatz

09. S.B., Kate McConell, Mo (Gramaglia) Arancibia, Tony Arancibia '95
This is one of my favorite pix

10. Steve Shepard, Danny Park

11. Leota Tennant, Arjuna Rice
Another great pic

12. Erika Wahle, Patti Carcamo, Julie Kennedy

13. Pat Sneed, Karla Maguire, Fiona Patricio
Also good!

14. Jay Manalo, Mary Lutz

15. Pat Thompson

16. Pat Thompson, Phill Smith

17. Bryan Hassin, Ben Chen, ?1

18. Jay Manalo, Armand Alacbay, Carlton Wolfe, Gary Fang

19. Mary Lutz, Ray Britt

20. Matt Altman, Johann Schleier-Smith, Chris Lewis, Nathan Clark

21. Divya Pereira, David Chung

22. Venée Tubman, Melissa Huhn

23. Emily Yam, William Fox, Mike Touchton

24. Dave Chung, Pat Sneed, Carson Lee, Steve King, Tim Terriberry, Brandon Barlow

25. ?1, Ashley Garrett

26. Laura Minich, Kathryn Delonga, Molly Voss

27. Dino Kakaes, Carsten Clark (as Jesus! or Banky!)

28. Nathan Clark, Mariko Butler

29. Phill Smith, Pat Thompson
Last update 4/18/03 SK